TQM Method of DOE Design Of Experiment an Easier Way To Control The Performance Of Any Complex Manufacturing Operation

Makes production planning highly effective productive and efficient
The design of experiments, or commonly known as the experimental design, is a technique to determine the effects (individual and interactive) of various factors that can influence the outcome of your measurement. In simple words, DOE can be used to know the best-operating conditions for a system or product and process.
Design of experiments can be applied to achieve several objectives. With the screening investigation through DOE, the most critical factors, which are influencing the overall process, can be identified. It can help regulate the responses by controlling these crucial factors. The following DOE planning steps produce optimized results.
Designing and communicating the objective
The designing objective can be of these three forms – the biggest (to maximize response), the smallest (to minimize the response), and closest-to-target (to hit a target).
Describe or define the process
The next step in planning is to define the boundaries of a process that is under examination. It could be an internal process where only inter-organizational activities are examined. Or it could be a fully extended process in which the supplier actions or customers are also studied along with the internal processes.
Choose measurement system and response
The good measurement will be accurate, reproducible, stable, repeatable, and linear. Taking a good sample will result in a sound measurement system. Responses mean outcomes or these are the dependent variables of the process.
The measurement system should be calibrated
The calibrated measurement system will create repeatable and reproducible measurements. If it's not doing so, that indicates the experimental design is not producing valid results. Ensure conducting GR&R before doing DOE.
Select the factors to be studied
Factors influence the response or outcome. Select the factors that have the most significant impact on the response. Make sure the factor and changing its level should be feasible, practical, and cost-effective.
Choose the experimental design
Select a design of experiment depending on the number of factors to be studied. Screening experiments or fractional factorial DOE are usually the best choices when you need to explore many factors.
Set the factor levels or factor settings
While conducting the screening experiments, set the factors at the edge to get the optimized outcomes.
Final design considerations
The final design considerations include different steps, such as choosing the experimental metrics that you need to use, determining how to estimate the experimental errors, and planning out the experiment to minimize the variations from external sources.
In a nutshell, a well-optimized DOE can help you lower the production cost by identifying the factors that can reduce the material or energy consumption improve overall productivity and efficiency. Start using TQM method of DOE today!
Eric Jones
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