TQM 3 Major One Point Lessons

manufacturing sector, a quality briefing of ten minutes can enhance the productivity and efficiency of employees. The One-Point Lesson (OPL) consists of 80%
diagrammatic illustration and 20% text about the product/service
quality, which takes maximum 10 minutes for employees to absorb the concept
behind OPL. The objective of standard instruction is to ensure uniform method
rather employees working on personal assumptions. The Team Leaders can act as
guides in helping the on floor team members to understand the One-Point Lesson
relating the objectives of company.
3 Major Purpose Specific One-Point Lesson
3 Major Purpose Specific One-Point Lesson
Problem Case-Studies – Practical machine troubleshooting provides clear work concept. During break-down of machine, Team Leaders can assemble team members and have them observe and relate the live session in fixing the machine using the procedure and technical aspects mention in the One-Point Lesson.
Improvement Case – It is to be made sure by the Team-Leaders that the employees understands that the machine was fixed and put back to work by following TQM standards procedure mentioned in the OPL. It must be constantly ensured that all the employees understand benefits of following the procedures mentioned in the OPL. The more they start co-relating the benefits OPL on practical basis, the more the objectives of TQM will be met and Quality in the product would be further modified.