DMAIC - TQM’s ultimate tool for Problem Solving

TQM method of using
DMAIC tool is a way to ask smart questions To reach out at the root
cause level of a problem Curious employees are more productive
in manufacturing industry as they don't work on assumptions rather reach out
their Team-Leaders for clarity. It becomes critical for team-members whose
tasks involve use of machines to have a defined set of procedures to follow and
there are no rooms for doubts/assumptions. Manufacturing sector incur
severe loss due to machine failures, machine-break-down and under-utilization
of man & machine power. If machine efficiency
matters, so does employee productivity.
It is mandate to have healthy working environment especially in manufacturing
companies where doubts of employees are valued and effective solutions are
provided to their queries.
It is important how employees place
questions/problems to their Team-Leaders. The problem must be stated
accurately; the supervisor must answer honestly and must be willing to resolve
it at root-level. DMAIC is structure method to understand problem, improve and
control it. Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control.
The first step is about defining
problem on the basis of problems raised by the team members, and to list the
problems on white board so that it scopes visual-analysis for everyone. In
second step, problems are evaluated to measure the risk factor. Problems with
higher degree of risks are shortlisted and analyzed in the third stage. At
fourth step, improvement measures are discussed with team-members via opinion
and suggestion and in the fifth step appropriate control measures are worked
out to eliminate the problem. In manufacturing companies, the more questions
employees raise, the better will be the quality of the product. This also
ensures the employees to work collectively towards the goal of achieving
operational excellence.