5 Why The Most Powerful Method To Identify The Root Cause Of A Problem

The 5 Why analysis is just like peeling the layers of an onion. A simple yet effective method to implement in organizations, it involves asking questions about why the products are defective and identifying the root cause of those defects. Depending on the particular problem the number of questions can vary but 3 “why” or asking 3 consecutive questions is considered a rule of thumb. But, for deeper understanding of root cause, deep diving up to 5 Why would unleash more precise reasons.
This method is implemented by writing down why the problem occurs and identifying the answers to those questions. It is said that losses in a workplace disappear if the people question the cause of problems. After the problem has been identified the round of questions and answers is begun and are noted down. If the answer does not identify the root cause of defect then another question is asked. This process is repeated till the root cause is identified. This method of TQM improves productivity and efficiency as by recognizing the problems one is able to find appropriate solutions.