TPM 7th Pillar: Safety and its 3 Principles

important principles of maintaining safety standards at workplace
· Workplace organization and discipline
Servicing and standardization of operations
Workplace organization and discipline are considered as the “beginning and the end” in TPM inspired workplace. Organization and maintaining discipline in the execution of tasks at all times leads to a safe and standardized workplace. For every worker’s safety it is the duty of all employees to maintain proper discipline at work. Ignoring standards can imminently become a cause of major accidents and effect the overall productivity.
Deterioration of equipment happens over time but to allow the equipment a longer life, regular inspections in a systematic way should be performed. Inspections can figure out the areas where servicing is required to eliminate the danger of accidents due to sudden breakdown of equipment. Inspection and servicing must be maintained according to standards of the organization to ensure efficiency of machines and following TPM process.
Standardizing the operating procedure is done through identification of the best method and its implementation thereafter. When a worker follows the standard techniques there is a far less chance of accidents in the organization leading to operational excellence.
Total Productive Maintenance adopts these 3 important principals to help
organizations achieve employee safety and satisfaction, zero machine breakdowns
and defects, increase in productivity,
profits and quality.