Jishu Hozen the 3rd TPM Pillar eliminates Grit and Dust

jishu hozen the 3rd tpm pillar eliminates grit and dust

It is an accepted fact that any mechanical machine wears over time. If maintenance of machines is not performed up to the required standards it is often seen that machines gather dust and grit. The sliding and moving parts of machines wear off faster when the machine is not kept clean. This leads to unforeseen accelerated deterioration of the machine. Accelerated deterioration of machine is entirely avoidable to increase the machine’s economic life.
Failure often occurs due to one of the following reasons accumulation of water and oil in components, improper lubrication, motor overheating because of dust clogged fans and excess wear from dirt on sliding and rotating parts. With routine maintenance and cleaning of the machine better quality of products can be ensured along with better cycle time.
Hence introducing Total Productive Maintenance Pillar 3 Jishu Hozen also addressed as autonomous maintenance in which machines perform CLIT Cleaning, Lubrication, Inspection and Tightening activities.


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